Keep What You Love by Irene Smit & Astrid van der Hulst

Irene Smit &
Astrid van der Hulst
101 x 152mm

Living with less is such a compelling idea. From The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up to Remodelista: The Organized Home to Flowrsquo;s own The Big Book of Less, simplify is the message, and books are how we learn to do it. Now Flow brings its whimsical, visual-forward lens to the subject of decluttering, resulting in a most charming and yet quite practical impulse book on how to sort through the too-much-stuff of life.

The premise is so simple: the artist Lotte Dirks has illustrated hundreds of common items ndash; oven mitts, incomplete board games, a pair of skis, novelty ice cube trays, a dying plant, a feather duster, flip-flops, a waffle maker, old Christmas cards, a manual typewriter, chipped dishes, defunct phone chargers, a rocking horse, and so on. Beneath each drawing are two little checkboxes: Yes and No. Look at the item. Note your response (be honest odash; the only right answer is the one that's right for you). Check one of the boxes. And act accordingly! Additionally, boxes and asides offer dozens of creative tips for how to organise, how to tackle big jobs like a full closet, and ideas to what do with things we cannsquo;t part, with like childrenesquo;s artwork or old books rdash; all through Flowesquo;s sensibility of finding pleasure in the imperfect and the overlooked.
EOFY 2024 Book Frenzy (Online Only)
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Creativity Takes Courage
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