How To Take The Panic Out Of Public Speaking 2nd Ed.

How To Take The Panic Out Of Public Speaking 2nd Ed. by Laurie Smale

153 x 234mm

Do you break into a cold sweat at the very thought of being asked to make a speech? Then, when the moment finally comes for you to stand up and face your audience are you so nervous your legs feel weak and your hand tremble? If so, author Laurie Smale understands your plight because he used to experience the same thing. Now, after years of developing effective and successful techniques in public speaking, Laurie uses his unique panic-free two-way conversation style to help change the lives of thousands. And, the truth is, all he’s been doing is help people to see things differently and draw on the natural way they already speak successfully in informal conversational settings. This easy-to-read book bottles all this proven panic-free magic and simplifies everything you’ll ever need to know about effective public speaking. It neatly bypasses the scary scenario of struggling to be a fear-filled public speaker, and fast-tracks you to being a friendly, approachable person confidently chatting with friends - whatever the situation. This second edition is a gold mine of ideas and inspirations that will show you how to uncover your own self-worth; shed the ‘formal’ public speaking straight jacket of what you should and shouldn’t do; and discover your ‘informal’, natural self… the real person your listeners have come to listen to. From now on you’ll not only believe you’ve earned the right to be there, you’ll confidently deliver what you want to say as the warm and friendly human being you are. This comprehensive, thought-shifting book reveals it all.
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