NIV Popular Soft-Tone Bible by Various

02 / 11 / 2009
144 x 214 x 35mm

This beautiful edition of the NIV is bound in high quality soft-tone material. It has an entirely new page layout but matches the pagination of the previous edition, for ultimate clarity and compatibility combined. There are lists of key people and events to help readers navigate their way around, a range of useful maps on the endpapers, and footnotes are arranged by column rather than across the whole page to make them easier to find in the text.The New International Version of the Bible (NIV) was commissioned by the International Bible Society (IBS). Its mission is to reach out to people around the world with a faithful translation of God's word. The NIV was created by the Committee on Bible Translation (CBT), which is an independent body made up of renowned biblical linguists and scholars.This edition uses anglicised text, with British spelling, grammar and punctuation to allow the Bible to be read fluently and understood more easily.
EOFY 2024 Book Frenzy (Online Only)
RRP: $55.00
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Instore Price: $55
NIV Popular Soft-Tone Bible is Out of Print

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