Original Sin

Original Sin by Nina Bangs

Nina Bangs

Fortune MacDonald listened to women's fantasies on a daily basis as she took their orders for customised men. In a time when the male species is extinct, she was a valued man-maker. She had created some of the best sterotypes around - from Stud Muffin Stuart to the ever popular Hunka-Hunka-Burnin-Love Leroy. So when she woke to find herself sharing a bed with the most lifelike virile man she'd ever laid eyes or hands on, she let her gaze inventory his assets. From his long dark hair to his knife-edge cheekbones to his jutting - well, all in the name of research, right? It didn't take an expert any time at all to realise that he was the genuine article, a bona fide man. And when Leith Campbell took her in his arms, she knew real passion for the first time. But had she found true love?
Winter 2024 Book Frenzy (Online Only)
RRP: $7.62
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