Wholefood for Children: Nourishing Young Children with Whole and Organic Foods

Wholefood for Children: Nourishing Young Children with Whole and Organic Foods by Jude Blereua

01 / 01 / 2018
190 x 230mm

The underlying philosophy behind Wholefood for Children is the importance of feeding young, growing children whole and real food, preferably organic. Not only does a child require fuel to play, they also require it to build every part of their body and future pathways for learning.

The recipes cater for children from the age of 6 months up to 7 years, starting with introducing solid foods to babies. The recipes range from breakfasts through to lunch and dinners, as well as ultra-convenient portable snacks for lunch boxes.
EOFY 2024 Book Frenzy (Online Only)
RRP: $45.00
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Instore Price: $45
Wholefood for Children: Nourishing Young Children with Whole and Organic Foods is Out of Print

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