Worldwide Graphic Design presents contemporary graphic design from different parts of the world. Even through globalisation seems to have resulted in the different cultures and societies getting more alike, many regional designs still retain distinctive characteristics. These particularities have been captured in this compilation of exceptional works of graphic designers. Scandinavia: Not surprisingly, many of the designs from Scandinavia display mainly cold and muted colours. The works exhibit just the kind of aloofness you would expect from northern temper. Compared to the Latin-American designs for instance, they seem rather restrained, but always with an appealing elegance and simplicity. The works display clear and controlled outlines and shapes. Innovation and imagination appear well organised Most of the designs showcase the sometimes chilly accuracy of the Scandinavian style. This is just another proof that design and art are always influenced by the environment in which they are created. These particularities have been captured in this compilation of exceptional works from such diverse categories as poster design, advertising and illustrations.