The Silent Patient

The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides

152 x 232mm

I love him so totally, completely, sometimes it threatens to overwhelm me. Sometimes I think- No. I won't write about that.


Alicia Berenson writes a diary as a release, an outlet - and to prove to her beloved husband that everything is fine. She can't bear the thought of worrying Gabriel, or causing him pain.

Until, late one evening, Alicia shoots Gabriel five times and then never speaks another word.


Forensic psychotherapist Theo Faber is convinced he can successfully treat Alicia, where all others have failed. Obsessed with investigating her crime, his discoveries suggest Alicia's silence goes far deeper than he first thought.

And if she speaks, would he want to hear the truth?

THE SILENT PATIENT is a heart-stopping debut thriller about a woman's brutal and random act of violence against her husband - and the man obsessed with discovering why.
RRP: $29.99
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I love him so totally, completely, sometimes it threatens to overwhelm me. Sometimes I think- No. I won't write about that.


Alicia Berenson writes a diary as a release, an outlet - and to prove to her beloved husband that everything is fine. She can't bear the thought of worrying Gabriel, or causing him pain.

Until, late one evening, Alicia shoots Gabriel five times and then never speaks another word.


Forensic psychotherapist Theo Faber is convinced he can successfully treat Alicia, where all others have failed. Obsessed with investigating her crime, his discoveries suggest Alicia's silence goes far deeper than he first thought.

And if she speaks, would he want to hear the truth?

THE SILENT PATIENT is a heart-stopping debut thriller about a woman's brutal and random act of violence against her husband - and the man obsessed with discovering why.
Publication Date:
29 / 01 / 2019
152 x 232mm
This is such a well written story. The character development was excellent and it kept me interested the whole time … and I certainly didn't see that end coming! I have no problem recommending this book to anyone who loves a good old fashioned crime mystery – the facts are all there … you just have to connect the dots! - Steven (QBD)
, 13/02/2019
If you only read one book this summer, make it The Silent Patient. It's refreshing, reading fiction from a psychotherapist's viewpoint. And above that, it's exciting to read about a thrilling murder and the motives behind it. Will Theo make Alicia talk after all this time she's stayed silent? Why did she kill her husband anyway? - Jaidyn (QBD)
, 12/02/2019
Alicia loved her husband. So why did she kill him? Now sitting in a psychiatric facility, Alicia remains a silent patient. Psychologist Theo is determined to find out why Alicia murdered someone she loved. Through Alicia's diary entries and Theo's accounts of his sessions with his mute patient, the story unravels. And unravelling the story means unravelling their minds leading to a shock ending. - Katrina (QBD)
, 11/02/2019
This thriller is a certain page turner. Alicia hasn't spoken a word since convicted of murdering her husband 6 years ago. Then along comes Theo - a psychotherapist who is convinced her can make her talk, but does he really want this!?? Words can't describe my thoughts on the ending of this book! - Kirsty (QBD)
, 11/02/2019
If you're just breaking into crime fiction, especially if you're already into fiction of some sort, then this is the perfect book for you! It draws you in immediately and refuses to let you go until you reach the last satisfying page. - Hayley (QBD)
, 06/02/2019
Wow, what a book! I read this so quickly, I couldn't get to the ending fast enough. And that ending, wow! Blown away!!!!! - Karina (QBD)
, 06/02/2019
The Silent Patient is a reminder of what psycological thrillers are all about- intense, absorbing, and with plenty of twists, The Silent Patient will keep you on the edge of your seat. Can he make her speak? - Coreena (QBD)
, 05/02/2019
This book is gripping from the very first chapter. It's a thriller that is both suspenseful and at times sad. The use of a different points of view for each chapter really builds the story until the author meets the timelines together for an amazing intense twist..... - Laura (QBD)
, 05/02/2019
Everyone needs an outlet, Alicia's was writing in her journal until she shoots her beloved husband five times. Suspensful, gripping, edge of your seat read and great for anyone who wants to try that type of book. Generally not a fan of multiple views but as this had a couple of chapters for each view it made it easier to follow and get into the story. - Eden (QBD)
, 04/02/2019
For lovers of psychological thriller or just a brilliant read. Alicia may ahve killed Gabriel, or not. Theo is determined to get Alicia to talk, or not. But why? A cliff hanger of an ending. At time reading this book I had to put it down for a second as I needed to regroup my thoughts before I could read on. A modern day Agatha Christie Amanda, Erina Fair - Amanda (QBD)
, 04/02/2019
Right from the start this was a gripping page turner. For a debut novel Alex Michaelides writes with such well researched skill, guiding readers to a shocking and twisty conclusion. It's written from the perspective of Theo Faber who is the shrink and later Alexis herself through her journal. - Row (QBD)
, 03/02/2019
When first reading this novel you can tell it is different from all the other thrillers that have come before it. The fact that you get a 'behind the scenes' look at this case and not just the case itself and being wirtten so well bu Alex. If your after a book that you need to know the ending and cant out down. - Monique (QBD)
, 03/02/2019
This grabbed my attention and left me saying “one more chapter” until way past my usual bed time! A fantastic thriller that had me questioning the main characters over and over again, and delivering another surprise every time I thought I had it all figured out. In a literary world of so many psychological thrillers, The Silent Patient is something new and exciting for the genre. A must read! - Cassie (QBD)
, 02/02/2019
Fast paced, compulsive and addictive leaving you holding your breath to the very last page. - Courtney (QBD)
, 02/02/2019
Why did Alicia kill her husband? How can you find the truth if she hasnt spoken a word since that night. This book draws you in and keeps you wondering what's on the next page, why did she do it? Is she even guilty? This is the kind of book that you cant put down until you know the ending. Fantastic! - Danielle (QBD)
, 01/02/2019
We know what happened. Alicia Berenson, a painter with a good life kills her husband, Gabriel. Alicia seemingly loves Gabriel, so the question is why? In his debut novel, Alex Michaelides does a great job of keeping the intrigue so you just need to find out! Full of twists and turns, The Silent Patient is a fast paced psychological thriller that will keep you thinking until the end - Megan (QBD)
, 01/02/2019
Alicia is a woman who fell silent for 6 years after she was discovered in her house with her husband dead and her fingerprints on the gun. Theo is a Psychiatrist obsessed with the case who leaps on the first chance he gets to work at the facility Alicia is kept in. Well written and kinda broken characters take you on a journey from both their perspectives to discover the truth of what happened. - Nathan (QBD)
, 01/02/2019
Such an epic roller-coaster of a read! Michaelides' writing style leaves you always craving the next page. Telling two sides of the story piece by piece keeping you intrigued until the very end. His characters and their professions or roles in the narrative are well developed and researched adding a real level of authenticity to his world. Do yourself a favor and read it! You won't regret it! - Damien (QBD)
, 01/02/2019
With great opening chapters it really keeps you guessing. Was it Alicia who shot her husband or just made to look that way. Was she set up by her brother-in-law or was it the best friend that Alicia betrayed. Theo desperately wants to make sense of why a loving wife would kill her husband. With a big twist at the end you'll never guess how Theo got Alicia to finally talk & what she had to confess. - Tracey (QBD)
, 01/02/2019
Theo is determined to find out why Alicia, now a silent patient in an institution, killed her husband. I couldn't put this down as he delved deeper into her past while also exploring his own psyche. The twist at the end had me gasping in surprise. I highly recommend this exciting thriller! - Eleanor (QBD)
, 01/02/2019
A quick read that was smooth and steady until the shocking twist about halfway through the book. This book will leave you wanting to re-read it again and again, wondering how you missed clues. I would highly recommend this new novel to anyone that really enjoys crime fiction and crime thrillers. - Jessica (QBD)
, 01/02/2019
A thriller to keep you guessing. What seems to be a clear-cut murder changes when a psychotherapist takes an interest in helping the woman accused. Alicia has been found guilty of murdering her husband Gabriel. She has not spoken since her husband's death. The court found Alicia mentally unstable and she has been confined for years in a psychiatric hospital since the event. Doctor Theo has his own childhood demons to deal with but feels that he can help Alicia. Many doctors have tried to help her but Theo thinks he can make a breakthrough. Acting more like a detective than a psychotherapist he delves into Alicia's background to try and get her to speak and find out exactly what she remembers. There are hints that all the major characters could be behind the murder, also twists that I did not see coming - the best kind of story. With compulsive page turning suspense and an unexpected reveal, I suspected everyone except the perpetrator! - Kerryn (QBD)
, 31/01/2019
Alex Michaelides 'The Silent Patient' is a captivating thriller that keeps you on your toes, a book that you can not put down. Starting you off with a bang when Alicia commits a heinous act, the main character makes you question her when she goes silent. Michaelides keeps you guessing in suspense when more truth is discovered about Alicia. - Stacey (QBD)
, 31/01/2019
What seems to be a clear-cut murder changes when a psychotherapist takes an interest in helping the woman accused. With compulsive page turning suspense and an unexpected twist, I suspected everyone except the perpetrator! - Kerryn (QBD)
, 31/01/2019
A gripping mystery just dying to be read, The Silent Patient will have you on the edge of your seat until the last page. Told between diary entries and a psychoanalyst's point of view you will easily see that words can mean anything-- it just depends on your perspective. - Louise (QBD)
, 31/01/2019
I could feel my pulse quicken with every chapter I devoured! Nothing is as it seems in this absoulte page turner. If you want to start the year off with a great thiller, you can not go past "The Silent Patient". - Kylie (QBD)
, 31/01/2019
Alicia Berenson is a famous painter. Infamous, even. She did shoot her husband in the face, after all. Five times. And then Alicia Berenson stopped speaking. Can Dr Theo Faber—with his own troubled past—unravel her secrets, find her voice, and uncover the truth behind The Alcestis? The Silent Patient is the perfect thriller, intense, clever, and so gripping you'll be up all night! - Melanie (QBD)
, 31/01/2019
You won't be able to put this book down! It will keep you guessing right up until the shocking last chapter. It kept me intrigued from beginning to end. - Cassandra (QBD)
, 31/01/2019
Gabrielle is Alicia's whole world,she loves him to death so why one night did she shoot him to death then never speak again ? This is the question that criminal psychotherapist Theo wants to know and so begins his intense obsession with Alicia and finding out the truth. A fantastic debut novel from Alex Michaelides that kept me intrigued from start to finish. - Melissa (QBD)
, 31/01/2019
'No crazy thoughts allowed.' I swore to myself I'd stick to my 2019 book ban, yet here I am just less than a month into the year and I've already bought my first book... the Silent Patient. And BOY is this debut novel by Alex Michaelides a fantastic read. It's one of those reads you'll pick up and flash through reeling from the ending. A shocker within a shocker. You think you know the ending, but you don't. Psychological thrillers are IN right now and this is the ONE you have to read if you haven't. So get on it. - Jaidyn (QBD)
, 30/01/2019
The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides is addicting, heart stopping and never let's the reader down. When artist Alicia shoots her husband five times, it's also the last time that she spoken. No one knows if she did, but it's what everyone assumes. Theo has been fascinated with Alicia's case for quite some time, so when he has the chance to try and treat her, he jumps. But can this Forensic psychotherapist figure out if Alicia's silence is more than her shooting her husband. The Silent Patient isn't something that you could put down. It's captivating and takes the reader on a journey with Theo of not knowing who to trust, who to believe or even if what is being said is true. With complex characters, this one will take you on a ride. With snippets of Alicia’s diary, will Theo untangle Alicia's mind and find out what really happened and what lead to the death of her husband. Alex Michaelides writing is engaging, gripping and will want you begging for more. This debut novel will take you on a journey that is for sure. - Angelique (QBD)
, 30/01/2019
The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides is addicting, heart stopping and never let's the reader down. When Alicia shoots her husband five times, it's the last time she speaks. While everyone assumes she has done it, forensic psychotherapist Theo thinks otherwise, so when he has the chance to try and treat her, he jumps. Michaelides writing is engaging, gripping and will want you begging for more. - Angelique (QBD)
, 30/01/2019
Alicia Berenson was discovered standing over her husband who had been shot in the face five times. Now Alicia has been submitted into a psychiatric ward because she refuses to speak and reveal the truth of what happened. Page after page, moment after moment as a reader you are kept itching to see the truth uncovered, will forensic psychotherapist Theo Faber be the one to help her speak? - Caitlyn (QBD)
, 30/01/2019
Only 3 people know what happened. One of them is dead. One of them wont speak. One of them you'll NEVER guess. A slow burning psycho thriller that blazes hard and fast in the last three chapters leaving you slack jawed at the final twist. How can a perfect life go so wrong huh? - Joanne (QBD)
, 29/01/2019
Theo Faber is a troubled psychologist who seems obsessed with the case of Alicia Berenson, an artist who murdered her beloved husband only to never speak again. The narrative makes good use of Alicia's journal to detail backstory, inform the plot and demonstrate that things are definitely not what they seem. Additional characters with their own add further layers of tension. The twist at the story's end is a BIG one. Those who have not come across this style of ending before will not see it coming. Definitely worth reading. - Ross (QBD)
, 28/01/2019
The first book by Alex Michaelides. Alicia lives a perfect life, then one evening shoots her husband Gabriel. Theo Faber a criminal pyschotherapist starts to work with Alicia to find out why she kills her husband. A book I could not put down. A thriller you need to read. - Louise (QBD)
, 27/01/2019
A Psychotherapist tries to unlock the story of what happened to Alicia, un able or unwilling to speak, when her husband died. Did she kill her husband like everyone assumes? Or will Theo be able to find out the story and the truth behind this silent patient? - Joseph (QBD)
, 24/01/2019
Alicia hasn't spoken in 6 years, since the night she shot her husband. Theo, a psychotherapist, is confident he can make her talk. But Alicia's silence - and her paintings - speak louder than words. A dark, creepy thriller that will keep you guessing until the very end - and then some. A phenomenal debut, perfectly planned and executed. - Rosie (QBD)
, 22/01/2019

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